Hear It From The Heart
Brian Spence ist so einer. Kommt daher, packt die Gitarre am Hals, haut rein und spielt frisch von der Leber weg, als hätte er nie etwas anderes getan. Hat er im Prinzip auch nicht, denn seit er mit 12 seine Mutter endlich belatschern konnte, ihm 'ne Gitarre zu kaufen, ist er auf Rock eingestellt, und sonst gar nichts. Brian tingelte in diversen Bands, verließ die Schule, verdingte sich als Kohlenmann und steckte die ersten selbstverdienten Pfunde in einen Verstärker. Mit 17 verließ er das heimatliche Edinburgh, schioß sich der Popband "Bilbo Baggins" an, erlebte erste kommerzielle Erfolge und das schnelle Ende der Truppe. Mit dem Leadsänger firmierte er für eine groBe US-Firma als "Chisholm and Spence", was zwar reichte, um seine Verwandten und Schulkumpel zu beein-drucken, doch ebenfalls eine Sache ohne Zukunft war. Frustriert ging Brian nach Edinburgh zurück und
tingelte durch die regionale Clubszene, um wenigstens die Brötchen
zum nicht vorhandenen Schinken zu verdienen. Der Knochenjob - man halte
mal mit Stiminbändern und Saiten Betrunkene bei Laune - erwies sich
im Nachhinein als das Beste, wozu Brian gezwungen wurde. Denn er lernte
sehr schnell, indem er die Rock-Klassiker nachspielte, welche 'Konstruktionstricks'
die Großmeister des Genres benutzten. Und er hatte die unschätzbare
Dauergelegenheit, eigene Titel unter allen möglichen und unmöglichen
Umständen live zu testen. Einer griff zu: Kip Krones, Manager der in den USA erfolgreichen
Band "The Outfield", der sich noch an die frühere Duoarbeit
mit "Bilbo"-Sänger Colin Chisholm erinnerte. Krones verschaffte
Spence seinen Polydor-Vertrag. Im Februar '86 ging's in ein Londoner Studio.
Brian wählte aus seiner randvollen Notenmappe
zehn knackige Songs, packte die Gitarre am Hals., haute rein und spielte
frisch von der ... na ja, the same procedure as every year. Und doch nicht,
denn die "Brothers"-LP ist das Debüt eines Autoren, Gitarristen,
Sängers und Co-Produzenten, dessen Name man sich merken wird. TOURNEEDATEN BRIAN SPENCE (im Vorprogramm von Nik Kershaw) 7. 12. Berlin, Metropol
Really new cannot offer the tonraum between the twelve half-tones of a Qktave any longer, and also the rhythmic range of variation was long measured. And and please Newcomer nevertheless surprise public and Insider, if them freshness, aliveness and power, which draufhaben checksum of the past skirt decades, simply. Brian Spence is like that one, packs the guitar at the neck comes along, strikes purely and plays freshly away from the liver, as if it would have never done something else. If he does not have also in principle, because since he knew his nut/mother with 12 finally belatschern, him it ' ne guitar to buy, he is adjusted to skirt, and otherwise nothing at all. Brian tingelte in various volume, left the school, hired themselves as a coal man and put first earned Pounds into an amplifier. With 17 it left native Edinburgh, schioss the Popband "Bilbo Baggins" on, experienced themselves first commercial successes and the fast end of the troop. With the Lead singer it firmierte for a rough US company as "Chisholm and Spence", which was enough, in order to impress its relatives and school buddies, but a thing without future was likewise. Frustrated Brian decreased/went back after Edinburgh and tingelte by the regional club scene, in order to earn at least the rolls to the missing ham. The bone job - one held times with Stiminbändern and strings drunk ones with mood - proved afterwards as the best, to which Brian was forced. Because it learned very fast, by after-playing the skirt classical authors, whom 'construction-cheat' the large masters of the category used. And it had the inestimable continuous opportunity to test own titles under all possible and impossible circumstances live. A daily felt Brian Spence that he had to offer quite own, and so made myself hope glad it on towards London. Also wenn's no pleasure was, it held out the bell finery round by the firm floors, and how much the post office earned thereby that it sent em ueber's other time away of demo volumes, white only it? One accessed: Kip Krones, manager the volume "The Outfield" successful in the USA, which remembered still the earlier duo work with "Bilbo" singer Colin Chisholm. Krones provided its Polydor contract for Spence. In February ' 86 ging's in a Londoner studio. Brian selected ten knackige Songs from its crammed note briefcase, packed the guitar at the neck, struck purely and played freshly of... well, the same procedure as every year. And nevertheless not, because the "Brothers" LP is the debut authors, guitarists, singer and co-producer, whose name one will note. |
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Page Last Updated: 4th March 2010 © Morley Enterprises 2001-2011. This site, SpenceMusic, is a personal site and is not affiliate with Brian Spence, Bilbo, Bilbo Baggins, Cheeky Bufalloes, Chisholm & Spence, The Wish or anyone else for that matter. Any copyright infringement is accidental. The pictures and music on this site are there for information only. They are not there for any commercial purpose. Therefore, if anyone representing the artist(s) or record company(ies) want me to remove these items please mail me and I will remove them immediately! This site, SpenceMusic, and Morley Enterprises are not responsible for the content of any other websites that are linked from here. So there. |